swimming pools
Air Quality

Poolair – perfect equipment for an ideal wellness climate
A swimming pool in your own home or in the hotel is an oasis of wellness and relaxation. The ‘climate’ plays an important role while doing so. Good airconditioning equipment ensures ideal climatic conditions and comfort in the entire swimming-pool installation. However, it is only perfect whenever it also achieves ideal values in matters of efficiency, flexibility, safety (reliability) and comfort. Poolair® offers all of these advantages in one innovative
ventilating unit.
- Fresh and pleasant air, enriched with oxygen
- The pioneering ventilating principle, which
has been specially further developed for private
swimming pools and hotel swimming pools - Savings with energy costs
- More flexibility is provided by a modular
system of construction - It can be retrofitted in the case of renovations
(for passageways from 50 cm to 90 cm wide) - High-quality accessories (ventilating ducts,
linear diffusers and control unit) - Regulating equipment that is easy and
convenient to operate - Low maintenance

The plate heat-exchanger
is the heart of Poolair®:
it removes heat energy
from the exhaust air and
adds it to the fresh air.
more efficiency and less costs
The counter-flowing plate heat-exchanger with optimum heat recovery forms the heart of Poolair®. This pioneering and efficient ventilating principle has been specially further developed for use in swimming pools. High efficiency and the associated energy savings are the result. Poolair® creates a unique wellness climate for swimmingpool installations and it simultaneously reduces the operating costs to a minimum: these benefits last during the entire service life.
- Mechanical dehumidification and efficient heat recovery are provided by the counter-flowing plate heat-exchanger
- The principle of heat recovery has been proven in practice for over 40 years (without breakdowns!)
- Low operating costs over the entire service life
- High efficiency of 80% to 90%
- Energy-saving fans that are approved by the EC
- All components are optimized for economic efficiency
- the strict efficiency requirements prescribed by the second phase of EU Directive 1253/2014 have been satisfied

New standards in the matter of flexi bilty
One of the most outstanding features of Poolair® is the modular construction. All of the components that are prefabricated for the ventilating equipment are delivered in separate functional modules and assembled on site by a qualified service team. The ventilating ducts are adapted to the constructional circumstances and assembled into a space-saving ventilating unit.
- Modular system of construction for more flexibility
- Special Design possible in case of small available space
- Delivery of prefabricated units in several parts
- Rapid and smooth assembly on site
- Ventilating ducts are adapted to the constructional
circumstances (not prefabricated construction!) - Ventilating ducts made from special panels for
more efficiency and safety (reliability)

Modular System
Which system of construction is suitable depends upon the respective local requirements and the constructional circumstances. The various possibilities of installation for Poolair® ensure almost infinite flexibility.

Ventilations ducts

Linear diffusers

Control unit

The ventilating ducts are made of high quality, long-lasting and safe panels of the individual adaptation and professional assembly.
Thermal insulation and soundproofing
The currently best available qualities of thermal and acoustic insulating material are utilized for the ventilating ducts. The special panels consist of 20 mm polyurethane foam internally and 80 micron laminated aluminium externally on both sides. This combination ensures a particularly low thermal conductivity of λi = 0.022 W / (m °C) at 10 °C.
Health & hygiene
The laminated aluminium does not only increase the service life of the panels but it also ensures the hygiene simultaneously (easy to clean internally and externally). Moreover, the risk of emitted particles is clearly reduced.
Safety & sustainability
The ventilating ducts fulfil the strict fire-proofing requirements according to DIN 4102 and they comply with Building Material Class B1 (hardly flammable). Water is utilized instead of FCKW, HFCKW und HFKW (‘greenhouse’ gases) for expanding the PU foam.

The fresh and heated supply air is blown into the floor via linear diffusers that have been developed by us. These linear diffusers ensure optimum air flow and windows that are free of condensation.
- Optimum air flow and windows that are free of condensation (the air never falls below the dew point)
- The height-adjustable fastening screws enable the linear diffusers to be easily integrated into the floor
- The linear diffusers are made from high-quality V4A stainless steel (not aluminium!)
- Non-vibrating construction, inconspicuous and quiet
An intelligent control unit that has been specially designed for swimming-pool installations fulfils the high requirements for energy efficiency and comfort.
- With an optional touchscreen (only by request)
- Designed for all types of interface,
e.g. ethernet, ModBus TCP - Can be controlled remotely from anywhere
using an internet connection - Bypass controls for free cooling when in summer mode
Perfect performance and service
Irrespective whether you are a planner, architect, swimming- pool constructor or developer: profit from over 40 years of practical experience in the area of ventilating swimming pools as well as professional support from the planning to the smooth assembly.
Consultancy, planning, manufacture, delivery, assembly and maintenance: all from one source.